Thursday, September 10, 2009

Asaf and the Mojos – I say it's gonna be big

I was so happy when I found out that one of my favorite Israeli music bands has signed an album record deal with a major record label –no other than Sony Colombia! (forgive my excitement).

This Israeli rock group that performs in English, Asaf Avidan and The Mojos, now hopes to succeed in the international front. When I first heard this English-language album, I had no idea that the artist is an Israeli! The upcoming album, "Poor Boy/Lucky Man", is due to be released next month.

All the signs have shown that Asaf, a talented Israeli singer, is going to be big. A year ago, Rolling Stone magazine promoted the band as it announced that the Asaf and the Mojos's single "The Reckoning", the highly acclaimed debut album, would be distributed with its next issue in Europe.

The music Asaf and the Mojos brings together many influences: classic rock n' roll, folk and blues. They were even compared to Led Zeppelin.

Many have described Asaf as the male Janis Joplin. Listen to Asaf Avidan and the Mojos – Weak. This song tears me to pieces. Asaf, take another little piece of my heart.

Support Israeli music - download from Amazon:
Asaf Avidan & the Mojos